Honoring the dead, delighting the living and promoting community development through artistic expression
The Día de Los Muertos Collective, in partnership with Casa Maiz, coordinates the efforts of musicians, dancers, culinary creators, craftsmen, visual artists and performers to produce the 9th community-sponsored Traditional Day of the Dead celebration. The celebration was declared Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 2003. “…Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) commemorates the transitory return to Earth of deceased relatives and loved ones. Families facilitate the return of the souls to Earth by laying flower petals, candles and offerings along the path leading from the cemetery to their homes. The deceased’s favourite dishes are prepared and placed around the home shrine and the tomb alongside flowers and typical handicrafts, such as paper cut-outs… This encounter between the living and the dead affirms the role of the individual within society and contributes to reinforcing the political and social status of Mexico’s indigenous communities. The Day of the Dead celebration holds great significance in the life of Mexico’s indigenous communities. The fusion of pre-Hispanic and Catholic rites brings together two universes, one marked by indigenous belief systems, the other by worldviews introduced by the Europeans in the sixteenth century”. Next Saturday, October 28, Wychwood Barns (601 Christie St, South of St Clair) will be dressed in petals and scented with incense and mum flowers. The Día de Los Muertos Collective takes great care to execute this ritual-celebration in a most respectful and traditional manner to differentiate it from commercially-oriented events held throughout the city. This year’s highlights include Vincenzo Pietropaolo’s photography exhibition “Mexico and The Days of The Dead”, which runs from October 21st to the 30th, at the Peter Mackendrick Community Gallery. In addition, the 2017 program includes traditional food, Aztec dance, Aboriginal hand Drum songs, and a wide variety of Mexican music and performances. -Everyone is welcome to participate in the processions, workshops, installations, community art projects, and open mic. There will be a community altar where attendees can carry on with the tradition of honoring their dear departed with incense, food, water, candy, and pictures. - Program updates are available on the Day of the Dead event page The Traditional Day of the Dead Celebration will be held on Saturday October 28, 2016, from 4:00 to 10:00 pm at Wychwood Barns (601 Christie st; South of St. Clair, North of Davenport). BARRIER FREE & TTC accessible. From Christie Station, take route #126 Northbound, or take the Westbound streetcar from the St. Clair & Yonge or St Clair West stations. FREE ADMISSION –Suitable for all ages. Bring a yellow flower for the altars. ABOUT US Día de Los Muertos Collective is a non-profit organization that coordinates the efforts of Toronto´s Mexican community to bring a celebration that honors the dead, delights the living, promotes artistic creation and foster community development through tradition. Contact: Paco Castillo, (416) 809-80-98/ [email protected] /25 Benson Ave, Toronto, On M6C46G / www.diadelosmuertosto.org Social: @diadelosmuertosto / #dayofthedeadTO / #diadelosmuertosto Casa Maíz, is the cultural centre of the Latin American community in Toronto, where visual art, poetry, dance, performing arts and music make their home. We are dedicated to foster the love for our culture both in adults and in children to strengthen our roots along with a sense of identity and belonging in Canadian society. Contact: Luis Rojas 1280 Finch Ave. W # 204, Toronto, On M3J3K6 / (647) 777-0177 www.casamaiz.org
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casa maíz
Casa Maíz es un espacio cultural cuya misión es apoyar el desarrollo cultural sostenible y participativo de la comunidad Latinoamericana en Toronto y Canadá. Esta labor se lleva a cabo a través de las artes, la investigación, y la cultura en su amplio concepto y a través de la promoción de la creatividad, el espíritu crítico y la innovación de personas y grupos. Archives
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